Value to the People “VTP” Rises Again

When relaunching Value to the People in a new form, I hope experience and lessons learned contribute to it becoming a better version of itself. The core values based on human dignity remain the same, while the specific translation into the specific form is new. In a way it is like the Phoenix of mythology, rising from the ashes of its predecessor.

The whole story of the journey from the founding of Value to People and the relaunch is not for today, the image of the Phoenix suffices. Today, I welcome you to the next generation of Value to the People:

It would be possible to fill pages and pages of content explaining the challenges that we are facing as humans on earth. The headlines cannot be missed. The issues are complex, hard to understand and hard to explain, and it seems there is more trouble every day. Instead of lingering on the troubles, I will share what Value to the People wants to do: We want be part of the creation of a vision of a more democratic and sustainable society, and over time collaborate with others to realize this vision.

Our primary role is making and sharing content that inspires, gives insight, and creates engagement toward a common vision of a more democratic and sustainable society. The common vision is paramount to making possible an organic transformation. VTP will complement the efforts of so many people, day-in and day-out, in their different roles, in different institutions across the whole of the globe, working for a better tomorrow. You are the true heroes.

I think the core idea from which human dignity is derived is that love is the deepest need of every human being. This idea is not new and has been around since ancient times, so why are we living in such a troubled world? Why haven’t we created utopia yet? What are the barriers? What is missing? I believe we can do better. The hope is that VTP can share uplifting content that empower people in a constructive way, aligning with so many others who have the same overall vision.

Let’s not get distracted. Let’s make it happen.

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